Delolan House, Gulf Road, 112 Ontario.@ Delorainehouse in Bigp ond.All activities are at Deloraine House unless otherwise stated.Booking is essential for activities and childcare.Deloraine House ten o'clock A.M. to twelve o'clock P.M.Free activities are provided for all children from birth to five years old.Use our toy library.Save your harvestThe workshop to make jam and dry products with Amanda Manners and Tomoko _ will be divided into two parts.Morning Ten o'clock A.M-At twelve o'clock P.M., there will be healthy snacks made using a dehydrator.One o'clock P.M.-afternoonAt four o'clock P.M., learn poultry bottling techniques including sterilization, fruit preparation and bottling methods.You can also see a demo of jam making in the microwave and eat the results in the afternoon.Westbury health center, Westbury Valley Road.The afternoon meeting will cost $5 per person, including bringing home a jar of jam and afternoon tea.Morning Meeting: Gold coin donation.Funded by MV rural primary health services.Live goddess workshop with Zahira and Jo.Learn about an ancient goddess and explore practical ways to incorporate her qualities into your daily life.For more information or reservations, please call Zahira 0418 139 826.First aid training by Angela enlet.Update certificate, update training for CPR or advanced first aid certificate.9am -Five o'clock P.M. at the delolan House.Registration number 6362 3633School holidaysContact Deloraine House at 6362 2678 to find out what activities are planned for the holidays.Pallet shed building: Ultimate upgrade.Join the Westbury community garden local Westbury carpentry Jame Curtis to create a garden cottage with recycled wooden pallets.With easy access materials and tools, a low-cost shed will be built for housing carts and other garden equipment.Come all day or just have a look.The program runs from ten o'clock A.M.xa0At three o'clock P.M., the cost of gold donation.Lunch, water and hat.Funded by Meander Valley Rural primary health service.School holiday activities contact Deloraine House at 6362 2678 to find out what activities are planned for the holiday.Family food.Learn about a healthy diet and prepare a healthy and delicious lunch free of charge every week.This is a course with different topics every week.This week is family food.Attend one or more meetings from eleven o'clock A.M.Every Wednesday one o'clock P.M.Free childcare is essential for booking.Mosaic workshop.This is an opportunity for families to create community gardens.Let's take a look at Mosaic making.From ten o'clock A.M. to one o'clock P.M. we will create something beautiful for the garden with a plate of food to share with the Deloraine community garden.Information session.What is Triple P-The power of active parenting?Provide services to all parents of children from birth to age 12.The meeting is held from eleven o'clock A.M. to twelve o'clock P.M. with free child care.Annie Bishop's Deloraine writers panel seminar, which starts at seven o'clock P.M-9pm.Workshop on how to develop character through basic details such as name, clothing, gestures, etc.Welcome everyone, for more information, please contact Anne Bishop via 6392 2166 or email.Volunteer Expo, from eleven o'clock A.M. to one o'clock P.M.Get to know the service groups and organizations in your area and talk to them about community engagement.Speaker Gary ConroyCooper of Linc talked about the contribution of volunteers to our community.Free lunch and a voucher.Learn about a healthy diet and prepare a healthy and delicious lunch free of charge every week.This is a class with different topics every week, and this week is a snack.Attend one or more meetings.From eleven o'clock A.M..Every Wednesday one o'clock P.M.Free childcare is essential for booking.Family Barbecue weekCome and celebrate Family Week at Deloraine House from twelve o'clock P.M. to 1.30pm.Free BBQ and fun activities for kids.Family food.Learn about a healthy diet and prepare a healthy and delicious lunch free of charge every week.This is a course with different topics every week.This week is a healthy diet with one or more meetings starting at eleven o'clock A.M. P.M.Every Wednesday one o'clock P.M.Free childcare is essential for booking.Family food.Learn about a healthy diet and prepare a healthy and delicious lunch free of charge every week.This is a course with different topics every week.Solid will be introduced this week.Attend one or more meetings from eleven o'clock A.M.Every Wednesday one o'clock P.M.Free childcare is essential for booking.Financial advice: Tired of debt juggling?Free confidential services to provide information and support to anyone with financial difficulties.This is the second Thursday of each month.Launceston community legal center visits Deloraine House approximately every two months.Free Consultation on general law, welfare rights, disability discrimination and family law.No charges, no asset tests.Run from ten o'clock A.M. to 1.30pm.Make an appointment call 6334 1577 or 1800 066 019.Aboriginal Aid.Leanne Stephens, an Aboriginal community contact outreach worker in the Deloraine region, can provide assistance and support services to members of the ATSI community.Help address a wide range of issues including health, legal aid, education, work, income and housing.Just visit between ten o'clock A.M. and two o'clock P.M. on Thursday or make an appointment at 6364 1910.Anonymous alcohol drinker: Meeting in Westbury30 Thursdays.For more information, please contact Chris 0437 355 401.Blokes Group meets every 3rd Thursday at seven o'clock P.M-Nine o'clock P.M. in the House of delolan, 112 Gulf Road.For the lads, this is a place to share life experiences, gain friendships and support, and determine the time and safety of how their team works.All men are welcome, 6362 2234 Mike For more information.This is an opportunity for seniors to learn the basics of computer use, including how to use the Internet via email and browsing.One-on-one tuition for friendly and helpful volunteers.Costs are not involved.Express interest by phone 6362 2678.The meeting time is for you and the volunteers.Photography Club: interested in photography?Love to share ideas, skills and photography challenges with others?Thursday, 4 th of each month, seven o'clock P.M-9pm.For more information, please call Jacqui 6362 4335.Community Garden.Open Wednesday and Thursday at ten o'clock A.M. P.M.Two o'clock P.M.xa0Weather permittingInterested people and volunteers are welcome.The garden is located at the corner of pottney Street and East Buck Street, adjacent to draynne high school.For more information, please call Deloraine House at 6362 2678.C.O.R.E.Community response to suicide eliminationEach team takes part in the dullland House, 112 ludlland of the Gulf.Next meeting in April 298pm.Call 6491 1552 for more information.Debby Kemsley's consultation: Debbie can make an appointment.A small fee is charged based on your income.For more information, please call 0439 695 081.Eat with friendsCome and enjoy a bowl of hot soup and rolls at Deloraine House and meet new or old friends.12.00-2pm .The first Monday of each monthAll welcome.$5 per person.Please call 6362 2678 for catering.Emergency relief food vouchers are available on 112 Gulf Road, Palo Alto., on a two-Monday, Wednesday and Friday are from ten o'clock A.M. to four o'clock P.M. every month.Some non-Perishable and frozen foods are usually in-needed basis.Join the walking group.Walking in a team is a good motivation, a good way to know people, and a good way to have a healthy heart.Everyone walks at their own pace without pressure.Start the walking group in Dellan, Westbury, stroll and Chudley.-Chudleigh group held a meeting at Chudleigh Hall on the 6 th.30 pm every Tuesday.For more information, please call Fay 6363 6148.-The delolan family meets every Tuesday at ten o'clock A.M. in the delolan group.For more information, or to start another group at a better time, please contact the house: 6362 2678.-New Meander group: Meet at Meander Hall at nine o'clock A.M. on Tuesday.For more information, please contact Chris at 63695 419.At seven o'clock P.M. on Sunday and Thursday evening, Westbury Group departed from Westbury health center.Kids Corner.New playground around the corner of East Barrack St and lansdownne Place, all children and parents are welcome.Legal Literacy.Need help with forms?The question of consumer credit?Understand your rights and laws.The Advocate is here to help.Head to delona House, 112 Emu Bay Road, delona.From one o'clock P.M-Make an appointment at three o'clock P.M. on Monday or at 6334 1577.Literacy support: decline in literacy/numeracy assistanceOne o'clock P.M. with Anne Mary.Three o'clock P.M. every Tuesday.NILS -Interest-free loan program: Deloraine House provides assistance in applying for a nil loan.For more information or appointments, please call 6362 2678.Playgroup.Parents and carers of young children are welcome to use the facilities of the House-an outdoor play area with equipment, a small room, a sand pit, a damp area and a comfortable playroom.Every Monday ten o'clock A.M.noon.Donate gold coins.Massage with Sophie Kirkman at Deloraine House and make an appointment at 0429 622 727.Spinners Group.The group meets at Deloraine House on the first and third Tuesday of each month at ten o'clock A.M. P.M.3pm.Call Judy Dalton at 6362 2221 or come with your wheels.Childcare is available but must be booked in advance.Toy Library in Deloraine House.Loans are available from ten o'clock A.M. to twelve o'clock P.M. on Monday.For more information, please call the house on Lisa 0437 314 095 or 6362 2678.Writers Group.Share your ideas and get encouragement and inspiration.The deloland Louran group meets at 112 Gulf Luoland Louran on the second Monday of each month, from seven o'clock P.M. to nine o'clock P.M. in the afternoon.For more information, please call 6392 2166 Annie.Yoga.Tuesday: Six o'clock P.M.-class with Kristina7.30pm.Wednesday: gentle yoga for health management with Kristina.5.15-6.For information about private lessons, retreats, and/or the 2013 course schedule, please send an email: kristinakm @ or phone 6367 8241.Freshmen: please call before class
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